Thursday, January 24, 2008

We All Feel The Pain

One killed, more wounded.
North and South Jerusalem.
How will it all end?

My son wants a gun.
I don't know how to respond?
I'm not sure he's wrong.

Oh King of the world.
Please watch over your children.
They are all we have!

Guard our holy land.
Let serenity return.
Time for geulah.

Monday, January 21, 2008

Hashkeidiyah Porachat

Happy Tu B'Shvat to all!

Sunday, January 20, 2008

Psal Lecha

Restarting a blog is a hard task. I am missing all of my lost posts! But just as Moshe did a great job on the luchot the second time around...I will try again.....kol hahatchalot strike one....but I'm not out yet.