Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Moadim L'Simcha

Yom Tov was nice. Today was my 23rd wedding anniversary B.H. (ken yirbu)! We had a great KLP mousse cake. So many options for Chol Hamoed that it makes it difficult. You know the saying six people, ten opinions... Finished reading Marathon Man and I have no intention of visiting the dentist any time soon!!! My New England Rabbi - that would be my dad spoke beautifully in shul. So...Six Flags, Kayaking, Bowling, Martha's Vineyard...who knows??? Guess we'll sleep on it and decide in the morning. Moadim L'Simcha to all!

Monday, April 14, 2008


My Rabbi told a beautiful D'var Torah in shul last week. I wanted to share just a tiny piece of it that really spoke to me. The Hebrew word metzorah comes from the Hebrew words matzah rah. - to find bad. We have to try in life not to see the bad in things and then hopefully we will feel good both emotionally and physically. How true this is in life! When we are stressed, and negative we don't feel well and we don't exude good feelings to the ones around us. But when we look for the good in things/situations/and people the world becomes a brighter place and in turn we feel good as well! Wishing everyone a Chag Kasher V'Sameach both internally and on the outside!!!