Sunday, August 17, 2008

Nachamu Nachamu

So many difficult things happened this Av that I can't wait for Elul! As scary as Elul can be, it is a hopeful scary and not a mournful one. It seems that terrible Av things don't necessarily cease to happen after Tisha B'Av.

May HKBH give nechumim to all of the people who need it individually and to Klal Yisrael collectively. May he also give a refuah for all of his children who are suffering! May he also create good shidduchim for the myriad of people who need them. May this be the year of the geulah shleimah! I think I'm gonna try to book a ticket to Israel this week though I hope that I end up flying "al kanfei nesharim!"

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Misty Waters Caught A Memory

My Eyes Are Welled Up
But I Won't Let Those Tears Fall
I'll Just Wipe Them Dry