Saturday, March 14, 2009

My Daughter Karen Is Engaged!

Karen with her new chattan Dovie

A new phase of life has begun! I am thrilled that my daughter has met her chattan in Israel! As I continue to cry at various moments I remind myself that these are tears of joy. Karen and her wonderful chattan live in Israel and I am still living in galut. But even though I wasn't at her vort tonight in Israel I have immense pride and joy that her aliyah is now reaching a new level.

The cookies that Karen's future in-laws put out at the party in their honor.

Here are the words that I wrote that were read at the engagement party by my sister for me.

Michael and I would like to thank Sharon and Chaim for hosting this engagement party and Judy, Shira and Sharona who are the best sisters anyone could have! Though it is hard to not be at this simcha tonight, we take enormous pleasure in knowing that Dovie and Karen have found each other and that they are so happy together.

My Grandmother on my mother’s side used to always quote the gemara that says that finding your bashert is as hard as kriat yam suf. B.H. Karen, together with the help of Nomi and Avishai and the KBH you have found your special zivug.

Karen, you have always followed your dreams and done what you feel is right in life. Even at a very young age you were always able to pick the best chevra in every class and become friends with amazing people. You knew early on that you would make aliya and you followed your dreams without ever looking back. Even at times when things were a bit tough and I would ask you if maybe you wanted to return for a couple of years you wouldn’t even think of it as an option. When I asked you if you were coming home in the summer about a year ago you said “Ima I am home.” Karen you are right – you are in your home and now B.H. you are on the way together with Dovie to building your own home within your larger home. Abba and I both met Dovie on separate occasions and we both agreed that he is a wonderful ben Torah and a perfect complement to you. We couldn’t be happier. This coming week’s Parshiot complete B’nei Yisrael’s building the mishkan. How appropriate that this is the time that you are building your own mikdash me’at together with Dovie!

Mishenichnas Adar Marbim B’Simcha….Karen and Dovie you have both found true simcha this Adar and Abba and I just want to give you both a bracha from the depths of our hearts that the simcha that you feel now should continue and multiply throughout your lives together and that you should be zochim to build a bayit neeman b’yisrael!!!!! We love you!

P.S. Tzipporah and Yonah can’t wait to meet you Dovie!

Karen with her two brothers who are in Israel with her.