Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Birkat Hachamah - AKA Slumdog Millionaire

This morning after almost no sleep my family woke up to daven vatikin and then to do Birkat Hachamah together with our shul. After Shacharit the kehillah proceeded outdoors and it was too cloudy to see the sun. They decided to walk a bit to see if they could see it in a more open area. As they turned towards my corner I made a silent T'fillah that my house should serve as the conduit for this holy unusual mitzvah. Lo and behold when they reached my front lawn we were able to see the sun! As everyone sang "karah lashemesh vayizrach or" happy tears streamed down my face. While the whole world is trying to remember where they were twenty-eight years ago, and where IY"H they will be twenty-eight years from now, I would like to propose that everyone focus on the miracle of where they are RIGHT NOW, and all of the good that HKBH bestows on us daily. It occurred to me this morning that twenty eight is the numerical value of "koach" as in koach ugvurah natan bahem...may it be thy will that we all have koach to do the ratzon of Ha-shem and that we are blessed with health and happiness. Chag Kasher V'sameach to all.