Saturday, October 13, 2007

Lech Lecha

In honor of this week's Parsha I'd like to continue with my amazing positive stories of Eretz Yisrael and my children's aliyot. My daughter is having some difficulty adjusting to the University as she is now in a place that only uses Hebrew and she is the only student who isn't 100 percent fluent in the language. Someone must have noticed her struggling because one of the heads of the university called her into his office to talk to her.

In essence, he told her that the university is honored to have her in attendance and that they are so proud of her decision to make aliyah. He told her that it was their responsibility to help her to succeed. In that vein he explained that he would see to it that she had a buddy assigned to her in each class who would copy their notes for her so that she wouldn't miss anything. There would also be girls who would use some of their "chesed" hours to help her develop her Hebrew language skills.

She told me that one girl who was quite good at English had offered to help her with an exceptionally difficult passage for one of the courses. For two hours they sat and worked it through. When they were done the girl thanked my daughter profusely telling her that because of their time together and through her explaining she now understood the material so much better!

My daughter has also received at least five different invitations for Shabbat in various places! Yes, the transition hasn't been all easy for her, but I cried tears of joy as she related all of the chesed that is being done from the heart to make her feel welcome, comfortable, and successful. Ein Keamcha Yisrael!

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