Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Oh Dear

As I was cooking this evening, I looked out of my window and saw three deer walking gracefully across the snow in my yard. At first, I thought that there were people in my yard and I was concerned. When I realized that it was deer I was mesmerized by their beauty. I thought to myself "mah rabu maasecha Ha-shem." As a child, I was always fascinated by deer. How swiftly they move. How they usually travel in threes. In my adult life I began despising deer. I can't even remember how many tics I (or my doctor) have removed from various body parts of various family members. Then there was always the question of medicate or wait for a rash! Anyhow, today I was happy to once again be able to look at deer and reflect on HKBH's wonderful creations! Shabbat Shalom to all.


maayan said...

What an endearing post!

rr said...

thanks dear.

kishke said...

I once looked out my window while eating breakfast and saw a doe nursing two fawns. (But my kids say there were three fawns.)

rr said...

Kishke, thanks for visiting and sharing! I'm impressed that your kids even knew the vocabulary for fawns. Now, were these your kids or your children :)?

kishke said...

They might have said babies. I don't remember. But mine are not so little anymore.

rr said...

neither are mine! you know how it goes...those quick stages :) - somewhere, I remember discussing this...

Anonymous said...

I also have a story about a deer. The Hebrew for deer is
"tzvi." A friend of mine called me yesterday and told me that he got up early on Shabbat morning to say Kaddish for the Yahrzeit of an uncle whose name was Tzvi. But he was reluctant to do it. He hardly knew the uncle and maybe others are saying Kaddish, etc.

Suddenly he saw a deer munching some grass on a lawn to his left. He was very close to the deer and it should have run away. But it didn't. It just stood there, looked at him, and nodded his heard up and down as if to say "Yes!" My friend could not believe his eyes. He rushed to shul and went back in the afternoon to say Kaddish for Mincha.

Isn't it beautiful? You can draw your own conclussions ...

rr said...

Anon...What a beautiful story! It sounds like it could be in Chicken Soup For The Soul books. I love when things like that happen. Thanks for visiting and for sharing.

Anonymous said...

To all those who sent such nice comments ... Shabbat Shalom!

Sabba Duck

rr said...

Just saw this now Sabba Duck. Shabbat Shalom to you too. Enjoy the wedding that you are presiding at today. May you have only s'machot always...