Sunday, May 11, 2008

Ha-Shem Yikom Damam

Perhaps the healing has begun, or at least the process. I just received a lovely call from my daughter in Israel who was calling to wish me a Happy Mother's Day. I asked her how Yom Ha'atzmaut was in Israel and she said that it was great. Her school had gone to celebrate at Merkaz Harav. I was surprised that this could have been a positive experience. She told me that it was kind of eerie that there was still one bullet hole left to "remember." The rest of the glass had been replaced. She told me that there was great "ruach" and that her Rabbi/teacher whose son had been murdered was there as well.

Am Yisrael Chai. We are a nation that mourns so, so much. Sometimes the pain feels insurmountable. But, somehow HKBH always gives us the koach to move on. I am glad that she had such a positive experience and am happy that she is learning that pessimism cannot be allowed to rule, but that as an "Am" we must always look forward to the future in an optimistic way. Because if not (chas v'shalom) then our enemies have won!

Friday, May 9, 2008


Technology can be good and bad! I feel like Arnold Fine when I think of the good ole days when you had to call the operator and she would call you back in order to connect to Israel. It was the only way to do it. Now you just dial a few numbers and you are talking to people that it would take hours to fly to see. How did people figure this all out? It always boggles my mind.

But then there are times like today when I accidentally hit "send" and it's all over - irretrievable. That fast paced technology is not making me feel good right at this moment. I mean what is that "unsend" button really for? I tried it. Trust doesn't work.

This reminds me of a story which was quite heartwarming, funny and sad all bundled into one. A few years ago some genius invented the self-flushing toilet. It was a great invention for hygiene, but not so great in teaching "our children" self-help "life skills" because not all toilets have this feature. Be that as it may, a certain preschool decided that the pros outnumbered the cons and installed them. One day I heard a child crying inside one of the stalls. I asked if she needed help. She cried "yes, please come in and help me!" When I opened the door she had her hands in the toilet water and was frantically splashing. I exclaimed "sweetheart what is wrong, why are you doing that?" She quickly explained that her beautiful bracelet which she wasn't even supposed to wear had fallen in. I told her not to worry that she should stand up and I would figure out how to retrieve it for her. Well, she listened and no sooner did she stand when the toilet went and self-flushed. Needless to say I don't know which one of us was more mortified. But B.H. her parents thought it was hysterical and gladly bought her a new bracelet.

Monday, May 5, 2008

R' Meir Baal Hanes

You win some, you find some.
While deleting old files last night, I found all of my long lost posts!
Unfortunately, the comments were feel free to recomment!
Have a great day!


So, in the end we went to a museum in Springfield, Mass. and from there to Six Flags New England. It was amazing how many Jews were there and even a whole bunch from New York. We were lucky to find minyanim wherever we went! It was a concern since my husband is in his year of aveilut for his dear mother (mshbrfabl). We also went Kayaking/canoing on a different day. Shopping and a movie "Horton Hears A Who" brought out the kid in all of us, and the science museum (great) in Boston on yet another day. Somewhere in there I cooked for the last days of Yom Tov and it actually came out really good.

It seems like Pesach is months away already now that real life has kicked in. I even had to go to a meeting today about summer camp - oy - can it really be that close? I guess that if my omer count serves me correctly then Pesach was only about a week ago since tonight is fifteen - hard to believe.

btw...Did you hear the joke about the baalat t'shuvah who had just learned about counting the omer? Her husband asked her what was for dinner and she answered "last night we had spaghetti!"