Saturday, September 6, 2008

Ani L'dodi V'dodi Li

As I met my class for the first time this week, I was renewed by the awesome responsibility and gift that teaching affords me. If I cause even one child to change in a meaningful way, my year has been successful. If even more than one, than even better! I am excited for the challenge, because change can mean so many different things. It can mean boosting a child's self-confidence. It can mean strengthening their ahavat shamayim, or ahavat habriyot. It can mean strengthening their love of Eretz Yisrael. It can mean making a weak student feel strong, or a strong student feel their strength and ability to help others. More than anything I want my students to be happy and to be "mentches." I want to empower them to be the best that they can be without stressing them out. May it be the will of H.K.B.H. to help to give me the strength to accomplish this goal and the many other ones that I have in this awe inspiring month of Elul. As I tell and ask the children in my preschool...the shofar reminds me of an alarm clock...What does it wake you up to do?


rabbi neil fleischmann said...

Beautiful sentiments. May all your hopes for teaching (continue to) come true this year.

rr said...

Thank you, and I wish you a year where all of your dreams and wishes are answered L'tovah!

Anonymous said...

I heard around that you actually do for children what you hope to do!

Even if no child changes (which I know isn't the case, in this case!), still, the teacher can change and that also is an awesome accomplishment and gift to the world and to our beloved G-d.


rr said...

thanks...your comment about change is so true, Maayan, and btw i've heard some awesome stuff about you too!

Anonymous said...

LOVE (!!!!) that you tell your little students about the shofar reminding you of an alarm clock, and asking them what it wakes THEM up to do!!! You are the BEST teacher... Who really teaches with their being.

XOXOX The Elder Sarah Leah

rr said...

Dearest Elder Sarah Leah,
Thank you for you sweet comment...I can't wait to see you in August. Of course, I'm still hoping you'll come to the wedding!