Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Heegiah Zman Hageulah

I have been so strong and supportive of my children's return (three out of six) to Israel during the past few weeks. It was going so well until this morning. Twice to the airport, two intense brachot on their heads...big hug...and many waves as they passed through the gate security and kept walking only turning back about a dozen times to wave.

Today I decided to say good-bye at the house and go to work. It would be easier on both of us. No airport scene. Abba will take you. We both agreed...no problem...then the hug and I was lost...finished totalled...It was a miracle that I finally pulled myself together enough to get composed and leave for work. I think that more tears fell from my eyes this morning than the last twelve months put together.

It's all okay, though. Soon she will land in a place that is truly her home, all of our homes. She is in a good place...the right place and for that I have to thank H.K.B.H. But with my thank you comes my usual prayer. Please watch over them. Let them continue to grow into B'nei and B'not Torah. Let them find their shidduchim at the right time, and please, please let them be happy and safe. If that can be your will then my tears that felt so sad will truly be turned into tears of joy!


Anonymous said...

This is so beautiful . . . so beautifully written and so heartfelt. I'm so sorry for your pain and so proud of you and of what you have accomplished in your life.

May your beautiful daughter be blessed with your deepest hopes and dreams you and she have.

And . . if I can bring anything to any of them when I go, it would bring me greater pleasure than you can imagine.


rr said...

Thank you! Knowing what a generous person you are I will definately keep that offer in mind. May you and your beautiful family be blessed with health, happiness, and the realization of all of your dreams in this New Year!