Saturday, October 11, 2008


My Rabbi explained that whenever there is a Shabbos between Yom Kippur and Sukkot Haazinu is read.

Many months ago there was an article in the Wall Street Journal about Heavy Metal music. One of the fans complained that the new way that it was recorded was too loud:) This was the idea behind the speech. If everything is loud and there is no quiet then even loud isn't good. You can't have quiet without loud, just as you can't have loud without quiet.

The shir of Haazinu is one that used to be memorized by children in all of the yeshivot. Why is that? It isn't a child's poem or song. It is very depressing. The answer lies in the above. The ending is positive!

The Shabbat of Haazinu is the bridge between two opposite times. Tisha B'Av through Yom Kippur is a mournful and then somber time. However, it goes into Sukkot which is the epitome of happiness!

That is Haazinu and our lives as Jews. We can't give up when we are down. We need to have the emunah in Ha-shem that things will come up again. We are the proof of it. The shoah was the worst of times and look at us now.

The end of Haazinu is positive. That it what we always have to look at. We can't let hard times wreck us. We only need to turn to Ha-shem and ask for his help and he will always be there for us! Gut Vuch!


Anonymous said...

Sometimes hindsight is 20-20 vision because the now can be very painful. Hanging on to G-d for dear life and knowing the end result is for the good and always is, that pain is not for naught and good is in store, is I think maybe the roots of emunah, true faith. Maybe it makes pain a little more bearable.


rr said...

You got it, Maayan! That's exactly what he was saying. And to add to that he said when you are really upset, who do you go to? You go to a friend. Well, HKBH should be our BEST friend, and when we are in pain or down that is who we should go to for help or to talk to. Shacharit, Mincha, and Maariv are great daily T'fillot. But our relationship with HKBH should not be contained in those three...we should approach HKBH at other times as well, just like we would a close friend!