Thursday, October 23, 2008


I met my Rabbi at the supermarket a little while ago. He was going in with his son and I was coming out. We both smiled at each other and I said "back to the mundane." He replied "preparing for Shabbos, mundane?" I replied that his wonderful comment reminded me of a friend and colleague who taught me that when she peels vegetables she thinks on each stroke (HKBH please let this be like my aveirot and the aveirot of my family and loved ones peeling away). That had a great impact on me and I usually do have those thoughts when I am peeling. Bringing Kedushah into the mundane, I suppose, really means that if you try hard enough there is no mundane just K'doshim Tihyu, in a beautiful "ki tov" world that HKBH created.

Speaking of B'reishit, my husband was Chasson B'reishit in my shul. Many guys got together and bought him the kibbud. It was a surprise and such an honor for him. I was so happy for his honor and was very proud of him. If your husband has to go under the chuppah with someone else who better than the Torah? I hope that everyone had a meaningful chag and are enjoying getting ready for Shabbos as much as I am ;)


Anonymous said...

Mazel Tov on the honor of Chatan Breishit! What a testimony to your husband's (and your) belovedness in the community that shul members made it happen.

I have the sense that what your rabbi said to you "in passing" resonated for you. I bet his being conveys kedusha, transforming the mundane. That would make what he said not just words.


rr said...

thank you for your "not mundane" comment. yes, my Rabbi is quite special. his wife told me that when he shops with his kids on erev Shabbos they say "likavod Shabbos" as they put their groceries into the cart. for me that's a big WOW! Shavuah Tov.

rabbi neil fleischmann said...

i liked this post, a lot to learn from here. wishing you belated mazal tov on the holy honor bestowed upon your husband.

rr said...

Thank you so much RNF!