Wednesday, October 1, 2008


I have written about my Yamim Noraim seats before, but this year I realized another reason why I love my Rosh Hashanah/Yom Kippur seat. In the old days, I was always wary when a date would want to sit in the back row of a movie theater. I mean...near eyeball....:). But on the Yamim Noraim that is exactly the seat that I have and love. I think that it gives me that intimacy with HKBH without worrying about anyone else observing me. Of course that does not include my wonderful daughter who sits next to me. From her I get immense nachat from sharing the experience together!


Anonymous said...

I love what you wrote about this on every level... And so love the heart and truth of your blog! Biggest love to you!!!

rr said...

Sarah write so beautifully...well beyond your years. May this year bring you and your beautiful family health, happiness and all good things! I can't think of anyone who deserves that more...thanks for visiting!

rr said...

Sarah Leah...I hope that you check this again...I mistakenly thought that you were my nine year old cousin Sarah Leah and that's why I answered you the way that I did! Sorry! I loved your response on many levels…hope to talk to you soon…meanwhile…G’mar chatimah tovah! Love, RR

rabbi neil fleischmann said...

May you have much nachas this year - poo poo poo. May you feel the presence of HaMakom and be as comfortable with your makom at any moment in life as you are with your makom in shul on these holy days.

rr said...

May you have much nachat also! I really like the way you used "makom" and ha"makom" got me thinking and today is a good day for that! Thank you for your beautiful bracha. May you and all of my readers and all of klal yisrael be inscribed in the book of life and all good things! Have a wonderful Yom Tov!