Wednesday, October 1, 2008

They're Playing Our Song

Wow! My Rabbi gave such beautiful speeches before Tekiat hashofar both days. The first day he said that it was okay to ask...that we shouldn't feel overwhelmed and depressed to the point of not thinking that we are worthy to ask. The second day he gave a mashal and nimshal which I really took to heart and it really spoke to me. He said that if a wife smacks up a car, there is a good likelihood that instead of just telling her husband, she might set up a nice dinner and then play the special music that the couple walked down to at their wedding or that they heard on their first date. By the time she gets around to telling him about the car it will be unimportant. The love will conquer the otherwise upsetting news. The nimshal is that this is how it is in our relationship with HKBH. When else was the shofar blown? At Maamad Har Sinai, when we married HKBH. Now before aseret y'mei t'shuvah and Yom Hakippurim we are playing our song. Yes, we will have negative things to talk to HKBH about and we will want forgiveness, but now we are playing our beautiful wedding music and that is Rosh Hashanah, and IY"H HKBH will accept our wrongdoings and forgive us fully!


Anonymous said...

Gorgeous!!! The way you told it over is going to stay with me. Thank you and g'mar chatima tova.


rr said...

Thanks, Maayan. The way that I told it wasn't even half as good as the way that he did! G'mar chatimah tovah to you too!

Anonymous said...

That was abeautiful mashal and nimshal. But I would be careful before doing it.

Shavua tov,

Gmar Chatima Tove ...

Love ... "Sabba Duck"

rr said...

"But I would be careful before doing it."
I assume that you mean smacking up the car :) and I would have to agree! Nice having you back. G'mar Chatimah Tovah.