Sunday, August 26, 2007


While standing on Amsterdam Avenue in front of Yeshiva University this morning, I was struck by the beauty of the scenario. Young men were coming with and without parents, shlepping suitcases, ready to receive their room assignments and begin their new year. Perhaps because they were all freshman or sophomores returning after their year of learning in Israel, there was a certain innocence, and freshness about them all.

The atmosphere was extremely friendly as old friends embraced and introductions were made. A few of the guys looked a bit timid and a tad shell shocked, but even they were giving it their all. The most nervous looking expressions were those of the moms. With prayers in their hearts for successful years leading into successful futures for their boys/men, I thankfully counted myself among them.

May HKBH grant them all mazal, hatzlacha, happiness, success, and the fullfillment of their dreams in this new phase of their lives!

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