Sunday, May 11, 2008

Ha-Shem Yikom Damam

Perhaps the healing has begun, or at least the process. I just received a lovely call from my daughter in Israel who was calling to wish me a Happy Mother's Day. I asked her how Yom Ha'atzmaut was in Israel and she said that it was great. Her school had gone to celebrate at Merkaz Harav. I was surprised that this could have been a positive experience. She told me that it was kind of eerie that there was still one bullet hole left to "remember." The rest of the glass had been replaced. She told me that there was great "ruach" and that her Rabbi/teacher whose son had been murdered was there as well.

Am Yisrael Chai. We are a nation that mourns so, so much. Sometimes the pain feels insurmountable. But, somehow HKBH always gives us the koach to move on. I am glad that she had such a positive experience and am happy that she is learning that pessimism cannot be allowed to rule, but that as an "Am" we must always look forward to the future in an optimistic way. Because if not (chas v'shalom) then our enemies have won!


Sharon said...

Wow! Such emotional strength feels Herculean . . . and leaving one bullet hole to remember . . . unbelievable! At our best, we are a very dignified people.

I'm glad your daughter is doing well. Kol hakavod to her and you for contributing so significantly to Klal Yisrael.

rr said...

Yes, I agree, Herculean is an appropriate word! As for the one bullet hole, this is very common in Israel, unfortunately all too common. There are many roadside memorials, for example, a burnt out tank on the roadside all over the country. I think that the message is clear. We will never forget, but we will also never give up! It is a bittersweet, yet empowering philosophy. Thanks for your comment and for your kind words!

Anonymous said...

It was very inspirational. We should avoid being depressed or intimidated, but we must never forget. One of our missions is to destroy Amalek. It is not an easy or pleasant task, but it will bring the g-ulah shlaima ... Sabba Duck

rr said...

Dear Sabba Duck,
How sweet of you to drop by and to comment! When you have time, please read the entire blog. You are mentioned in it at least three times! Love you...RR