Saturday, September 15, 2007


I was introduced to Haiku on Rabbi Neil Fleischmann's blog and I was fascinated by the fact that he pointed out that Shma is a Haiku!
My Rabbi suggested that instead of talking during the aliyot that the congregants should read something in English or in the T'fillot. I did a Haiku search. This is what I found.

V'zot Hatorah
Asher Sam Moshe Lifnei
B'nei Yisrael
This is the Torah
Which Moshe Put In Front Of
B'nei Yisrael

Lcha Adoshem
Hagdulah Vhagvurah
It Is Yours Ha-Shem
All The Greatness and the Strength
And All The Glory

Hamelech Yoshev
Al Kiseh Ram Vnisah
Shochen Ad Marom
Our King is Sitting
On a High and Lofty Throne
Lives There Forever

Yehalelu Et
Shem Adoshem Ki Nisgav
Shmo Levado
Let Them All Praise The
Name Because It Will Be Raised
His Name Stands Alone

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